New Painting…
I had the great fortune of being able to paint on commission a little something for some friends lately, and got carte-blanche on the final product.. Something I don’t always think to do when I’m painting is take process pictures, but this time around I had a little foresight. Very little was preconceived, in drawing or otherwise, though I had the idea at first that I wanted to paint a thick stand of trees.

Having established my stand of trees (not quite as thick a stand as I might have liked, but they fit the space well) I needed some sort of central focus… Cats are always fun, and then there is some sort of pretext needed, and what always ties in is people. And I love the idea of nature not being scary. So in the end we have a sort of semi-sultry domestic scene, a quick meal cooked after dark by the light of a small gas burner and a little moonlight.
Tags: acrylic, Analogue Couleur, Art, comissioned art, paint, painting